
What Is an Intervalometer and How Is It Used When Taking Photos? When talking about photography an ‘intervalometer’ also simply known as a ‘timer’ is a device which is used to automatically operate a camera’s shutter at specifically measured intervals of time. Intervalometers are widely employed in time-lapse photography where they are used to record a series of images at specific intervals over a period of time which are joined together in post processing to create a moving picture. Most intervalometers can be attached to a cameras micro-usb port (although some older cameras use proprietary connections) and allow automated capturing …

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Inverse Square Law

What Is the Inverse Square Law and How Is It Used When Taking Photos? The inverse square law is an equation that relates the intensity of a light source to the illumination it produces at a given distance. Light diminishes over distance in accordance with the Inverse square law, which states that doubling the light-to-subject distance reduces the light falling on the subject to one-quarter. The inverse square law can be used to calculate the light output required from a light source when setting up a photographic scene using artificial lighting, the invention of light meters however has mostly illuminated …

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