Lightroom CC Keyboard Shortcuts – FREE Download!

Below you will find a list of the keyboard shortcuts but I also wanted to give you guys something that you can take away, print and easily refer to, so I’ve created an easy-reference PDF that you can print ot store on your smartphone, laptop or tablet. I know what it’s like with shortcuts… we remember the basic ones pretty easily, but after periods of inactivity with specific software we forget a few of the other ones. No need to remember where to look on the internet though with this handy guide!

Download the Mac & PC Lightroom CC Shortcut Guide


If you want a nice, printable version of this table to keep in your bag, or just on your smartphone, hit the button below.

Bonus Quick List

Print the essentials list and stick it next to your computer!

When you download the complete PDF of Lightroom shortcuts, I’m also going to give you a second download which is my list of 21 essential Lightroom shortcuts. Obviously you can’t memorize all the shortcuts, but if you’re going to memorize just a few of them, these are the ones you need! The quick list is also formatted for printing, so if you want, you can just print it and stick it to the wall by your computer screen.

Keyboard Symbols

Option Key
Command Key
Shift Key
Control KeyCtrl
Return Key
Alt KeyAlt

Adobe Lightroom CC Shortcut List

Working With Panels

Show/hide side panelsTabTab
Show/hide all panels⇧ + Tab⇧ + Tab
Show/hide toolbarTT
Show/hide Module PickerF5F5
Show/hide FilmstripF6F6
Show/hide left panelsF7F7
Show/hide right panelsF8F8
Toggle solo modeAlt-click a panel⌥-click a panel
Open a new panel without closing soloed panel⇧-click a panel⇧-click a panel
Open/close all panelsCtrl-click a panel⌘-click a panel
Open/close left panels, top to bottomCtrl + ⇧ + 0 – 5⌘ + Control + 0 – 5
Open/close right panels, Library and Develop modules, top to bottomCtrl + 0 – 9⌘ + 0 – 9
Open/close right panels, Slideshow, Print, and Web modules, top to bottomCtrl + 1 – 7⌘ + 1 – 7

Navigating Modules

Go to Library moduleCtrl + Alt + 1⌘ + ⌥ + 1
Go to Develop moduleCtrl + Alt + 2⌘ + ⌥ + 2
Go to Slideshow moduleCtrl + Alt + 3⌘ + ⌥ + 3
Go to Print moduleCtrl + Alt + 4⌘ + ⌥ + 4
Go to Web moduleCtrl + Alt + 5⌘ + ⌥ + 5
Go back / go forwardCtrl + Alt + Left Arrow / Ctrl + Alt + RIght Arrow⌘ + ⌥ + Left Arrow / ⌘ + ⌥ + Right Arrow
Go back to previous moduleCtrl + Alt + Up Arrow⌘ + ⌥ + Up Arrow

Changing View and Screen Modes

Enter Library Loupe viewEE
Enter Library Grid viewGG
Enter Library Compare viewCC
Enter Library Survey viewNN
Open selected photo in the Develop moduleDD
Cycle forward / backward through Lights Out modesL / ⇧ + LL / ⇧ + L
Toggle Lights Dim modeCtrl + ⇧ + L⌘ + ⇧ + L
Cycle screen modesFF
Previous screen mode ⇧ + F
Switch between Normal and full-screen, hide panelsCtrl + ⇧ + F⌘ + ⇧ + F
Go to Normal screen modeCtrl + Alt + F⌘ + ⌥ + F
Cycle info overlayII
Show/hide info overlayCtrl + I⌘ + I

View Modes for Secondary Window

Essentially here you just add the shift key (⇧) to the previous section to make them apply to a secondary screen.

Open secondary windowF11⌘ + F11
Enter Grid view⇧ + G⇧ + G
Enter normal Loupe view⇧ + E⇧ + E
Enter locked Loupe viewCtrl + ⇧ + Enter⌘ + ⇧ + Return
Enter Compare view⇧ + C⇧ + C
Enter Survey view⇧ + N⇧ + N
Enter Slideshow viewCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + Enter⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + Return
Enter full-screen mode (requires a second monitor)⇧ + F11⌘ + ⇧ + F11
Show/hide Filter bar⇧ + \⇧ + \
Zoom in / zoom outCtrl + ⇧ + = / Ctrl + ⇧ –⌘ + ⇧ + = / ⌘ + ⇧ + –

Managing Photos and Catalogs

Import photos from diskCtrl + ⇧ + I⌘ + ⇧ + I
Open catalogCtrl + O⌘ +⇧ + O
Open PreferencesCtrl + , (comma)⌘ + , (comma)
Open Catalog SettingsCtrl + Alt + , (comma)⌘ + ⌥ + , (comma)
Create new subfolder (segmented tethered capture)Ctrl + ⇧ + T⌘ +⇧ + T
Hide/show tether capture barCtrl + T⌘ + T
Create a new folder in the Library moduleCtrl + ⇧ + N⌘ + ⇧ + N
Create virtual copy (Library and Develop module only)Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe)⌘ + ‘ (apostrophe)
Show in Explorer/Finder (Library and Develop module only)Ctrl + R⌘ + R
Go to next/previous photo in the FilmstripRight Arrow/Left ArrowRight Arrow/Left Arrow
Select multiple folders or collections (in Library, Slideshow, Print, and Web modules)⇧-click or Ctrl-click⇧-click or ⌘-click
Rename photo (in Library module)F2F2
Delete selected photo(s)Backspace or DeleteDelete
Remove selected photo(s) from catalogAlt + Backspace⌥ + Delete
Delete selected photo(s) and move to Recycling Bin (Windows) or Trash (Mac)Ctrl + Alt + ⇧ + Backspace⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + Delete
Delete rejected photo(s)Ctrl + Backspace⌘ + Delete
Edit in PhotoshopCtrl + E⌘ + E
Open in other editorCtrl + Alt + E⌘ + ⌥ + E
Export selected photo(s)Ctrl + ⇧ + E⌘ + ⇧ + E
Export with previous settingsCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + E⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + E
Open plug-in managerCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + , (comma)⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + , (comma)
Print selected photoCtrl + P⌘ + P
Open Page Setup dialog boxCtrl + ⇧ + P⌘ + ⇧ + P

Comparing Photos in Library

Switch to Loupe viewE or EnterE or Return
Switch to Grid viewG or EscG or Esc
Switch to Compare viewCC
Switch to Survey viewNN
Switch from Grid to Loupe viewSpacebar or ESpacebar or E
Swap select and candidate photos in Compare viewDown ArrowDown Arrow
Make next photos select and candidate in Compare viewUp ArrowUp Arrow
Toggle Zoom viewZZ
Zoom in / zoom out in Loupe viewCtrl + = / Ctrl + –⌘ + = / ⌘ + –
Scroll up/down zoomed photo in Loupe view (also works in Develop and Web modules)Page Up / Page Down on full-size keyboardPage Up / Page Down on full-size keyboard
Go to beginning/end of Grid viewHome / EndHome / End
Play impromptu slide showCtrl + Enter⌘ + Return
Rotate photo right (clockwise)Ctrl + ]⌘ + ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)Ctrl + [⌘ + [
Increase/decrease Grid thumbnail size= / –= / –
Scroll up/down Grid thumbnailsPage Up / Page Down on full-size keyboardPage Up / Page Down on full-size keyboard
Toggle cell extrasCtrl + ⇧ + H⌘ + ⇧ + H
Show/hide badgesCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + H⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + H
Cycle Grid viewsJJ
Open Library view ⌥sCtrl + J⌘ + J
Select multiple discrete photosCtrl-click⌘-click
Select multiple contiguous photos⇧-click⇧-click
Select all photosCtrl + A⌘ + A
Deselect all photosCtrl + D⌘ + D or ⌘ + ⇧ + A
Select only active photoCtrl + ⇧ + D⌘ + ⇧ + D
Deselect active photo//
Add previous/next photo to selection⇧ + Left/Right Arrow⇧ + Left/Right Arrow
Select flagged photosCtrl + Alt + A⌘ + ⌥ + A
Deselect unflagged photosCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + D⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + D
Group into stackCtrl + G⌘ + G
UnstackCtrl + ⇧ + G⌘ + ⇧ + G
Toggle stackSS
Move to top of stack⇧ + S⇧ + S
Move up in stack⇧ + [⇧ + [
Move down in stack⇧ + ]⇧ + ]

Rating and Filtering Photos

Set star rating1 – 51 – 5
Set star rating and go to next photo⇧ + 1 – 5⇧ + 1 – 5
Remove star rating00
Remove star rating and go to next photo⇧ + 0⇧ + 0
Increase/decrease rating by one star] / [] / [
Assign a red label66
Assign a yellow label77
Assign a green label88
Assign a blue label99
Assign a color label and go to next photo⇧ + 6 – 9⇧ + 6 – 9
Flag photo as a pickPP
Flag photo as a pick and go to next photo⇧ + P⇧ + P
Flag photo as a rejectXX
Flag photo as a reject and go to next photo⇧ + X⇧ + X
Unflag photoUU
Unflag photo and go to next photo⇧ + U⇧ + U
Increase/decrease flag statusCtrl + Up Arrow / Ctrl + Down Arrow⌘ + Up Arrow / ⌘ + Down Arrow
Cycle flag settings‘ (back quote)‘ (back quote)
Refine photosCtrl + Alt + R⌘ + ⌥ + R
Show/hide Library Filter bar\\
Open multiple filters in the Filter bar⇧-click filter labels⇧-click filter labels
Toggle filters on/offCtrl + L⌘ + L
Find photo in the Library moduleCtrl + F⌘ + F

Working With Collections

Create a new collection in the Library moduleCtrl + N⌘ + N
Add to Quick CollectionBB
Add to Quick Collection and go to next photo⇧ + B⇧ + B
Show Quick CollectionCtrl + B⌘ + B
Save Quick CollectionCtrl + Alt + B⌘ + ⌥ + B
Clear Quick CollectionCtrl + ⇧ + B⌘ + ⇧ + B
Set as target collectionCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + B⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + B

Working With Metadata and Keywords in Library

Add keywordsCtrl + K⌘ + K
Edit keywordsCtrl + ⇧ + K⌘ + ⇧ + K
Set a keyword shortcutCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + K⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + K
Add/remove keyword shortcut from selected photo⇧ + K⇧ + K
Enable paintingCtrl + Alt + K⌘ + ⌥ + K
Add a keyword from a keyword set to selected photoAlt + 1-9⌥ + 1-9
Cycle forward / backward through keyword setsAlt + 0 / Alt + ⇧ + 0⌥ + 0 / ⌥ + ⇧ + 0
Copy/paste metadataCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + C / Ctrl + Alt + ⇧ + V⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + C / ⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + V
Save metadata to fileCtrl + S⌘ + S
Open Spelling dialog box ⌘ + :
Check spelling ⌘ + ;
Open Character palette ⌘ + ⌥ + T

Develop Module

Convert to grayscaleVV
Auto toneCtrl + U⌘ + U
Auto white balanceCtrl + ⇧ + U⌘ + ⇧ + U
Edit in PhotoshopCtrl + E⌘ + E
Copy/paste Develop settingsCtrl + ⇧ + C / Ctrl + ⇧ + V⌘ + ⇧ + C / ⌘ + ⇧ + V
Paste settings from previous photoCtrl + Alt + V⌘ + ⌥ + V
Copy After settings to BeforeCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + Left Arrow⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + Left Arrow
Copy Before settings to AfterCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + Right Arrow⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + Right Arrow
Swap Before and After settingsCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + Up Arrow⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + Up Arrow
Increase/decrease selected slider in small incrementsUp Arrow / Down Arrow or + / –Up Arrow / Down Arrow or + / –
Increase/decrease selected slider in larger increments⇧ + Up Arrow / ⇧ + Down Arrow or ⇧ + + / ⇧ + –⇧ + Up Arrow / ⇧ + Down Arrow or ⇧ + + / ⇧ + –
Cycle through Basic panel settings (forward/backward). (period) / , (comma). (period) / , (comma)
Reset a sliderDouble-click slider nameDouble-click slider name
Reset a group of slidersAlt-click group name⌥-click group name
Reset all settingsCtrl + ⇧ + R⌘ + ⇧ + R
Sync settingsCtrl + ⇧ + S⌘ + ⇧ + S
Sync settings bypassing Synchronize Settings dialog boxCtrl + Alt + S⌘ + ⌥ + S
Toggle Auto SyncCtrl-click Sync button⌘-click Sync button
Enable Auto SyncCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + A⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + A
Match total exposuresCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + M⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + M
Select White Balance tool (from any module)WW
Select the Crop tool (from any module)RR
Constrain aspect ratio when Crop tool is selectedAA
Crop to same aspect ratio as previous crop⇧ + A⇧ + A
Crop from center of photoAlt-drag⌥-drag
Cycle Crop grid overlayOO
Cycle Crop grid overlay orientation⇧ + O⇧ + O
Switch crop between portrait and landscape orientationXX
Reset cropCtrl + Alt + R⌘ + ⌥ + R
Select the Guided Upright tool (also works in the Library module when a photo is selected)⇧ + T⇧ + T
Select the Spot Removal toolQQ
Toggle Brush between Clone and Heal modes when Spot Removal tool is selected⇧ + T⇧ + T
Select the Adjustment Brush tool (from any module)KK
Select the Graduated Filter toolMM
Toggle Mask between Edit and Brush modes when the Graduated Filter or Radial Filter is selected⇧ + T⇧ + T
Increase/decrease brush size] / [] / [
Increase/decrease brush feathering⇧ + ] / ⇧ + [⇧ + ] / ⇧ + [
Switch between local adjustment brush A and B//
Temporarily switch from brush A or B to EraserAlt-drag⌥-drag
Paint a horizontal or vertical line⇧-drag⇧-drag
Increase/decrease AmountDrag adjustment pin right/leftDrag adjustment pin right/left
Show/hide local adjustment pinHH
Show/hide local adjustment mask overlayOO
Cycle local adjustment mask overlay colors⇧ + O⇧ + O
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Tone Curve adjustmentCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + T⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + T
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Hue adjustmentCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + H⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + H
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Saturation adjustmentCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + S⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + S
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Luminance adjustmentCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + L⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + L
Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Grayscale Mix adjustmentCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + G⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + G
Deselect Targeted Adjustment toolCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + N⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + N
Show clippingJJ
Rotate photo right (clockwise)Ctrl + ]⌘ + ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)Ctrl + [⌘ + [
Toggle between Loupe and 1:1 Zoom previewSpacebar or ZSpacebar or Z
Zoom in / zoom outCtrl + = / Ctrl + –⌘ + = / ⌘ + –
Play impromptu slide showCtrl + Enter⌘ + Return
View Before and After left/rightYY
View Before and After top/bottomAlt + Y⌥ + Y
View Before and After in a split screen⇧ + Y⇧ + Y
View Before only\\
Create a new snapshotCtrl + N⌘ + N
Create a new presetCtrl + ⇧ + N⌘ + ⇧ + N
Create a new preset folderCtrl + Alt + N⌘ + ⌥ + N
Open Develop view ⌥sCtrl + J⌘ + J

Slideshow Module

Play slide showEnterReturn
Play impromptu slide showCtrl + Enter⌘ + Return
Pause slide showSpacebarSpacebar
Preview slide showAlt + Enter⌥ + Return
End slide showEscEsc
Go to next slideRight ArrowRight Arrow
Go to previous slideLeft ArrowLeft Arrow
Rotate photo right (clockwise)Ctrl + ]⌘ + ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)Ctrl + [⌘ + [
Show/hide guidesCtrl + ⇧ + H⌘ + ⇧ + H
Export PDF slide showCtrl + J⌘ + J
Export JPEG slide showCtrl + ⇧ + J⌘ + ⇧ + J
Export video slide showCtrl + Alt + J⌘ + ⌥ + J
Create a new slide show templateCtrl + N⌘ + N
Create a new slide show template folderCtrl + ⇧ + N⌘ + ⇧ + N
Save slide show settingsCtrl + S⌘ + S

Print Module

PrintCtrl + P⌘ + P
Print one copyCtrl + Alt + P⌘ + ⌥ + P
Open Page Setup dialog boxCtrl + ⇧ + P⌘ + ⇧ + P
Open Print Settings dialog boxCtrl + Alt + ⇧ + P⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + P
Go to first pageCtrl + ⇧ + Left Arrow⌘ + ⇧ + Left Arrow
Go to last pageCtrl + ⇧ + Right Arrow⌘ + ⇧ + Right Arrow
Go to previous pageCtrl + Left Arrow⌘ + Left Arrow
Go to next pageCtrl + Right Arrow⌘ + Right Arrow
Show/hide guidesCtrl + ⇧ + H⌘ + ⇧ + H
Show/hide rulersCtrl + R⌘ + R
Show/hide page bleedCtrl + ⇧ + J⌘ + ⇧ + J
Show/hide margins and guttersCtrl + ⇧ + M⌘ + ⇧ + M
Show/hide image cellsCtrl + ⇧ + K⌘ + ⇧ + K
Show/hide dimensionsCtrl + ⇧ + U⌘ + ⇧ + U
Play impromptu slide showCtrl + Enter⌘ + Return
Rotate photo right (clockwise)Ctrl + ]⌘ + ]
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)Ctrl + [⌘ + [
Create a new print templateCtrl + N⌘ + N
Create a new print template folderCtrl + ⇧ + N⌘ + ⇧ + N
Save print settingsCtrl + S⌘ + S

Web Module

Reload web galleryCtrl + R⌘ + R
Preview in browserCtrl + Alt + P⌘ + ⌥ + P
Play impromptu slide showCtrl + Enter⌘ + Return
Export web galleryCtrl + J⌘ + J
Create a new web gallery templateCtrl + N⌘ + N
Create a new web gallery template folderCtrl + ⇧ + N⌘ + ⇧ + N
Save web gallery settingsCtrl + S⌘ + S


Display current module shortcutsCtrl + /⌘ + /
Hide current module shortcutsClickClick
Go to current module HelpCtrl + Alt + /⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + /
Open Community HelpF1F1
Photo of author
Professional photographer based in Yukon, Canada, and founder of Shutter Muse. His editorial work has been featured in publications all over the world, and his commercial clients include brands such as Nike, Apple, Adobe and Red Bull.

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