Sony FE 2.0x Teleconverter Hands-On Photos

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Teleconverters, or extenders as they are sometimes known, are a vital part of my wildlife photography workflow, as I have explained before. Although I used Canon ones for many years, my switch to Sony meant that I also had to buy new teleconverters. While I use a 1.4x teleconverter far more often than I use a 2x, I was curious about the performance of this accessory. I had read some good things, and even at the $550 price point, I was willing to take a gamble and give it a try. A full review will come, but for now, I thought I would post some hands-on photos so you can get a sense of its size and design.

If you aren’t sure whether or not you should buy a teleconverter or how best to use the one you already have, make sure you read my guide: The Ultimate Guide to Teleconverters.

2x teleconverter front element.
2x teleconverter rear element.
The protrusion means you can only use the teleconverter with select FE lenses.

Lens Compatability

Due to the protruding part of the teleconverter, this is an accessory that can only be used on specific lenses that do not have a rear lens element too close to the lens mount. At the time of writing, the list of compatible lenses is as follows:

The cases for the 1.4x and 2x teleconverters are identical, so I added some cord to differentiate them.
Both Sony teleconverters are very small.

Where to Buy

The Sony 2x Teleconverter is available from the following links.

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Professional photographer based in Yukon, Canada, and founder of Shutter Muse. His editorial work has been featured in publications all over the world, and his commercial clients include brands such as Nike, Apple, Adobe and Red Bull.

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1 thought on “Sony FE 2.0x Teleconverter Hands-On Photos”

  1. Hi there Dan, Thanks for this short intro. I am looking forward to your comparison between the x1.4 and the x2. I have the x2 with the 200-600 sony lens with the Sony A7III.
    Generally for wildlife/bird photography.
    Now recently an experienced photographer (has great foto’s but is not well known, that I know of) mentioned I should chuck the x2 and get the x1.4 as the sharpness is incomparable.
    Obviously the x2 gets you a lot closer but if the quality is so much worse than the x1.4 I will need to change. So I am very interested as to your experience and perspective of this.

    Thanks in advance!! Greetings, Arlin


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