Sony and Zeiss Lens Terminology + Abbreviations – The Ultimate Guide

From the outside looking in, the world of Sony lenses can appear extremely confusing. Sony is a relative newcomer to the photography industry, having released their first ‘Cyber-shot’ fixed lens compact in 1996. Unlike both Canon and Nikon, Sony did not start life as a camera or optics business, they began life manufacturing radios and tape-recorders. This difference in initial direction and relatively late entry into the camera industry meant that Sony had to look outside their own capabilities in order to gain lost ground on competitors, and eventually become one of the ‘Big Three’ manufacturers in the business. Of …

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A Complete List of Sony E-Mount Lenses and Their Specifications

Sony Lens Terminology Key This key is designed as a quick helper. Please see our complete guide to Sony and Zeiss lens terminology and abbreviations for more detailed information on the following Sony lens-related acronyms. Sony Lens Annual Release Rate How many lenses does Sony release every year for its mirrorless system? The answer varies, but the chart below provides some helpful historical context. It also shows the split between Sony’s full-frame FE and APS-C E lenses. Development-announced lenses are not included in the totals. Sony Lens Release Dates Sometimes it’s helpful to have a chronological list of Sony mirrorless …

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