MindShift Gear Filter Hive Review

I’m excited to be able to bring you guys an exclusive first look at the MindShift Gear Filter Hive, a new photographic filter organizer that handles both round and 4×6 filters. At the time of writing this I’m the only person outside of MindShift Gear to have one of these so this is a very special first look. The latest word is that this product will begin shipping in February and you can use the link in the section below to get a shipping notification. Video Review Filters of some sort are almost always a part of any outdoor photographer’s kit, the …

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10 Essential Audio Books For Photography Business Owners

I find myself on a pretty continuous quest for knowledge, it’s just who I am and how I work. The problem is that I lead a busy lifestyle, not just with work, but also ‘play’. Striking a balance is an important part of a healthy lifestyle but I struggle to find the time to read as much as I would like to. Audio books are a great way to solve this problem because I can listen on the plane while I’m traveling, or while I’m out walking the dog or riding my bike. Audible is the worlds largest provider of …

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adobe passwords hacked

Find Out If Your Adobe Password Was Hacked!

150 million Adobe accounts were hacked and the passwords were posted to the internet. Adobe seems to think they don’t have to notify everyone about this. My password was hacked, yet I never got a note from them to tell me. Thankfully there is an easy way you can find out of yours was one of the compromised accounts…

Mountain bike self portraits dan carr

How to Take Self Portrait Mountain Bike Photos With Pocketwizards

I’ve always thought it would be fun to be the subject of one of my own photos so this summer I set out to capture some mountain bike photos using a custom setup with a trigger switch and PocketWizards mounted to my bike. I’m pretty pleased with the resulting images so I’m going to dissect the setup for you here and maybe you’ll be inspired to try the same kind of thing sometime with a sport that you enjoy!

10 Useful Ways For Photographers & Creative Professionals To Use Evernote

Organization For Photographers & Creatives Organization is a key element to running a successful business and in an increasingly digital world, running a paperless office is now a real possibility and also highly beneficial for photographers and other creative professionals. Evernote is a free service that allows you to store your information and data in a central cloud and then access it from any of your devices, or simply through a regular internet browser. Entrepreneurs and businesses all around the world have embraced the service as a one-stop, always accessible repository for their important information and data. It works by …

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